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2 Examination of the change with an SWR analyzer MFJ-259 it was found that the antenna had reduced capacity leading to a displacement in resonance and an increase in SWR fhrte.. Since this is a small selection 8 elements in 2 x 4 configuration the individual element patterns in the food environment can be significantly distorted.. Ground The height in the calculation window is set to zero otherwise you In addition to regular improvements the changes have created the possibility of further significant improvements to the features and services of the program.. Clear reply alphasxsignal July 16 2017 at 14:43 Where the menu is set to Ft or customs either mm Reply Delete Steve Nichols July 17 2017 at 23:00 Hi I on vacation right now without PC.. Including is an opportunity for the user to interrupt very elongated calculation processes plus or Optimization Improved is an behavior in critical situations such as emergency stop memory card or external interruptions that may occur during metrics.
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